We all want to be happy.
To wake up with a big smile.
To enjoy live.
And everyone has an own definition of happiness.
But each definition will have at least one similarity - we all need someone.
a friend...
a companion....
a boyfriend.......
"someone" who is there for us,
someone we can rely on,
someone we can trust,
someone we enjoy to be with,
someone to talk to,
someone who is interesting,
someone who cares,
someone who loves us,
someone to love,
someone to hang out with,
someone to make love to,
someone to wake up with,
someone to fall asleep with,
someone to travel with,
someone to enjoy live with,
someone to take care of us when we are sick,
someone to give us a glass of water when we are dyeing.....lol.......
And we are looking for that special, unique, compatible SOMEONE.
We hope, we believe, we wait, we look, we dream......
And we create that special someone in our mind.
And that someone is so perfect and special that at some point it is hard to believe that this special someone actually exists.......
and we go through search, failures, selection, wrong choices, pain.....
and we do not give up...... we hope......
and one day that special someone finds us........
I am not imagining, I am not dreaming, it happened to one of my friends.
She found him. Or he found her. Or actually they found each other.
They are perfect in each others eyes.
He is her Mr. Right.
He is dreamy.
He is caring, loving, understanding, open, honest, easy, intellectual, interesting, no games, everything so real, so simple, so easy, so right.
It feels right, it feels perfect.
They are happy.
It is so perfect that it is hard to believe. All her friends are skeptical, like: yeah, how long they have been together, or do they live together, or do they even know each other,
or please, honey, be careful, it is so perfect that it is scary.
That's it.
We all want it, but we do not believe in it. We are skeptical. We are used to to be miserable.
Or we are just comfortable not been happy, because happiness is scary, it brings out our fears.
We are not used to good emotions, we are not used to feeling right.
We are used to drama, we are used to difficulties and games.
Perfectionism is scary.
Happiness is scary.
And we sabotage, we ruin, we kill it.
WE destroy it, and we start our search over.
Is it difficult to be happy?
Or it is difficult to make someone happy?
Or it is difficult to believe that someone loves us just the way we are?????
Is it hard stop playing games? or is it scary to commit and settle down?
Or .......what is it?!
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