Saturday, February 26, 2011

A "good bad guy" VS. a "bad good guy" ...

Another paradox, when we are ready for marriage,
and some of the women are always ready, lol, sorry,
many of us still falling for a wrong type of guys.

"Good" and "bad" guys?!

Most of us want a "good bad guy", not a "bad good guy" - 
there is a difference, 
I bet, men will never get it.


Sometimes I do not get them.

Sometimes we are looking for a bad guy, 
unconsciously of course, 
and we are falling for him (it is so easy to fall for a bad guy), 
wasting our time, 
wasting time of our friends crying on their shoulders when he hurts us, 
betrays us, 
and leaves. 

And we knew everything from the beginning. 

And it is all our fault. 

So many women actually into bad guys, and they are still surprised after many years why it is not working out with them. 

We do not learn lessons from own mistakes.

Sometimes we do not actually even notice nice guys, 
guys are all around and ready to make us happy. 
We do not like nice guys, VERY OFTEN,
it is boring, 
it is routine, 
it is no passion, 
it is plain, 
it is calm, 
it is gray, 
it is dull, 
it is no rainbows, 
no excitement. 


Bad guys!!!!!! 

Yeah, it is exciting!!! 


Bad guys attract trouble, 
they spice up our life...... 

yes, spice up our lives with drama, 
with tears, 
with games, 
with betrayal. 

And that is our fault. 

We knew it before getting involved. 

Do not say no, we did. 

But we picked a bad guy. Hoping that he will be a "good bad guy".

We picked adventure, a short adventure hoping to change our live, to spice it up. 

And when this short relationship is over, 
we are complaining how and where to meet a nice guy, 
a guy who cares, an honest, sweet, kind, open, 
nice guy. 

They do exist, you know. 

We just do not bet on them, we ignore them ("nice guys"), we are still hoping that we are such a special kind and we can change a bad guy into a "good bad guy", we can make them fall for us so ....... hard, that he will become....ohhhhhh... almost a nice guy - a "good bad guy" it is a transition between "a good bad guy" and "a nice guy".

God, women are so complicated.

 So, my dearest ladies, look around, do not waste your time, and go for a nice guy.
Forget about changing people, people do not change.
Forget about drama, you honestly do not need it.

Just forget about "bad guys", and "bad good guys", and even about "good bad guys".

Good luck!


Unknown said...

I am a good guy in a bad guy's body... Does that count?


You have to figure it out: are you a good bad guy or a bad good guy?!

Unknown said...

I am different things to different people. We all are. I think you know already what I am. I am a dichotomy, just like you; a chameleon and a voyager. I am a good guy, a bad guy, a prince and a pig. For the right woman, I am a dream come true. Problem is, there are no "right" women around. ; )